Services and Offerings
State of your physical health is greatly impacted by your emotional, and spiritual health and vice versa. Negative thoughts, self-criticism, criticism of others, unhealthy relationships and stress interfere with your hormonal system, weakens your immune system, pollute your mind, body, and spirit. Result is blockages in your energy field – Aura defined as spiritual toxicity. Spiritual detox should be undertaken regularly along with body and emotional detox.
Who can benefit from the healing sessions?
Individuals who are highly committed to become the best version of themselves, to create a life of alignment with their soul desires for themselves and the people around them.
If you're experiencing any of following Neo-Shamanic Energy healing is for you:
Feeling uncertain, confused, lack of direction in life, worries, anxiety, fear about the future, role in life, finances etc.
Communication issues, lack of belonging/feeling different, self-judgement, feeling drained, highly alert/sensitive, relationship challenges with other people
Lack of sense of self, people-pleasing, difficulty taking aligned action to create change, self-sabotaging behavior/thinking, condescending oneself, feeling stack
Physical symptoms and signs in different parts of the body: pain, digestive issues, fatigue, trouble sleeping, allergies and sensitivities, chronic health issues (cardiovascular, diabetes, body inflammation, mental health, ...).
When is the best time to have a healing session?
Any time, since all of us have experienced heavy conditioning in the past, which we unconsciously continue to create in our life. Most people are taking steps toward positive change only when they start to experience resistance and uncomfortable symptoms and issues in their lives.
What i can help with
As an energy healer, I will guide you to identify and release what you have been unable to access because it has been too overwhelming, too painful or unacceptable.
Some of the energy skills that may be performed during the healing session:
Removal of stuck energy from your bio-energy field (clouds, mucus, miasma)
Balancing feminine and masculine
Stress web removal
Organ restructure
Chakra restructure
Meridian cleaning & clearing
Virus clearing and recovery
Chakra balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras. The chakras are bringing energy into the system, but the meridians, which are the main highways move the energy through the network.
When we get blockages energies are stagnant, which is the starting point for disease. We want to ensure that bioenergy field, and particularly the bio circuitry is working, so energies are moving and flowing freely through the system.
what to expect
Please come to the healing session with an open heart and mind without specific expectations and have a willingness to receive and do the work. Every one of us is unique and will process healing energy in a different way.
Please note, to create a real shift in your life, long-term commitment is required as your life will not change after one session. For real-life changes, it is recommended to receive a package of a minimum of 12 sessions. You can find more info about available packages HERE.
Some examples previous clients experienced during the healing:
Sensing a heat and expansion of energy throughout the body
Stomach gurgling
Movement in my stomach and sacral area
Twitching of the muscles
Pulsation in the arm, legs
Pressure in the chest
Feeling energy movement like ‘mini earthquake’
Feeling calm and relaxed
Feeling energized
Feel open in my chest and heart
Falling asleep
Pressure on the top of the head and headache
Feel more confident and able to stand up for myself
I can voice my feelings and truth
I feel happy and motivated to do new projects
I have clarity in my mind what I want to do
Healing Session Structure
During the chat/call, we'll spend 20-30 minutes understanding your current experiences and desired outcome.
Followed by a 50-60 min healing session. For the healing part, nothing much is required from you, apart from being relaxed (lying down or sitting). If you receiving distant healing, we don't need to be on the camera as I will go silent and will be performing energy work directly on your human aura.
Healing processes and energy settling will integrate over 3-4 days after healing.
We will go over the healing overview and any questions or realizations that might have come up to you during the session in follow up session, 3-4 days after healing.
When booking - make sure you'll have plenty of time & space to be on your own and process the energies. Best not to plan anything big after the session so that you're not rushed and can integrate properly.
This is advanced energy healing - no session is the same (even for the same individual). As we will be working directly on your bio-energy field, please come into the session with an intention but not rigid expectations.