Please read these Terms carefully before using this website. By accessing or using the service and information at this website you agree to the following Terms:
1. Information provided
Information about services, products, health and wellbeing, and blog posts provided on this website are solely for education and general advice. Change Naturopathy take care to provide valuable, current and accurate information, but cannot be responsible for the use of that information.
The information provided on this website is for educational purposes and there is no intention to offer diagnosis or treat medical condition. The generalised health information provided on this website is not a substitute for general practitioners’ or natural health practitioners’ advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
2. Right to use the site and information provided
You may access, view, reproduce and print the content on this site for research or personal use only. You may not use this site, or the content on it, for any other purpose or in any other way without Change Naturopathy’s prior written consent.
3. Intellectual property right
The services, content, information, photographs on this site are owned by Change Naturopathy, unless stated otherwise.
4. Third party materials and links
Change Naturopathy may share external links to relevant sources. These links are not controlled by Change Naturopathy and we are not responsible for the content of any external sites.
We advise to read terms and conditions of third-party websites.
5. Liability
All warranties or guarantees (expressed, implied or statutory) are excluded with any information at this site, including suitability, products assessed, or the use or the results obtained with the information.
Change Naturopathy will not be liable to any individual for damage, loss or indirect losses, or expenses, incurred from the use of this site, or any information accessed and used from this site.
6. Contact us
If you have any comments or corrections about these Terms, please contact us.